He who is jealous has lost

Among the most frequently asked questions when it comes to swinging is definitely: but aren’t you jealous?

Acknowledging one’s values and cultivating a healthy self-esteem helps, helps to manage jealousy rationally.

Good morning libertines and welcome back to our blog. Today we talk about an issue that is very important for couples who practice swinging and that is jealousy. In this article we try to understand how to deal with it as maturely and constructively as possible. On our YouTube channel, the most watched channel in Italy regarding couple swapping with over 60 thousand subscribers and millions of views each year, I have already made some videos about it that I invite you to watch. While you’re at it, sign up to stay up to date on new videos. Watch the video!

What is jealousy

Jealousy in a nutshell is the fear that someone might take our partner or mate away from us. And it is important to know that in the world of swingers, despite consensual sexual sharing, jealousy can emerge in a strong and disruptive way, and therefore it is very important to know how to handle it properly. You have to have a great awareness of your emotions.

Talk about emotional awareness and I’ll throw you a challenge: let’s reflect for a moment on jealousy in swinging couples. Let’s test ourselves and try to understand when this feeling peeps out, what makes it blossom, and what emotions overwhelm us at those junctures.

The idea is really to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we react to certain situations. After all, trust is the pillar on which any kind of relationship is built, but when it comes to swinging, this trust becomes even more crucial. Having full trust in one’s partner is crucial to navigating serenely through moments of jealousy. And fear not, there are concrete strategies we can adopt to further cement this bond.

For example, set boundaries, I have also talked about this in other videos, set boundaries that are accepted by both of you and that you do not cross, at least momentarily, so that you feel comfortable and calm.

Very trivial example, no kissing with other people, because I know that seeing you tongue-kissing another woman triggers my wrath, and instead seeing you having sex, no, I enjoy it.


If you establish couple boundaries, you should also communicate them with the people with whom you relate and with other swinging couples with whom you interface. But how do we communicate this? Simply talking as soon as you get a chance or you can also write it in your couple profile description present within a Community. As we always say, the best way to get to know a swinging couple is within Communities, such as our exclusive online Community.

The Libertine Queen Community is open only to verified swinging couples, this ensures that there are no fake profiles and no singles. You sign up and create your profile with a detailed description of what you want and what you don’t want. And it’s a great way to meet, meet copies, exchange views and, why not, precisely, even meet from the real thing. I remind you again that there are only verified profiles on our site. This means don’t waste your time with fake profiles.

Our values

Acknowledging one’s values and cultivating a healthy self-esteem helps, helps to manage jealousy rationally. And then remember: empathy and understanding. If something upsets us, we communicate it with our partner, and we who listen try to get the message right and go with the uncertainties. Jealousy in swinging requires commitment, emotional awareness and open communication. It is a process of relational but also personal growth that, in most cases, can solidify trust within the relationship.

A big kiss from your libertine queen


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