Personalized consultancy dedicated to those who wish to approach or begin a journey into the libertine world but also to those who have already had experiences and have not lived them peacefully.
Who do I turn to?
Couples and singles. Counseling is based entirely on the person's needs.
Examples of topics covered:
What do I have to do to enter this world?
Is there room for singles?
How do I propose it to my wife/husband?
Security, privacy, hygiene.
Which social networks should I register on?
What are the unwritten rules of the game?
What are we doing wrong?
Club or Party?
I would like a consultation, what should I do?
Write me an email or WhatsApp telling me briefly who you are and what you would like to achieve. I will contact you to schedule your appointment.
How is a consultancy structured?
The consultation takes place with a video call on WhatsApp or Zoom and lasts approximately 30 minutes.
During the call I will listen to your needs in detail and based on my personal experience, I will show you which solutions best suit your situation. Don't be afraid to open up honestly, I'm not here to judge you but to help you!
How is payment made?
The payment of €25.00 is made via PayPal or bank transfer.